Report: Monday 8-27-12
"90 Minute Turkey"
Since last class I have taken my 20 sketches from ideas on paper to print. First, things didn't go as I had hoped. I was using a playing card template to try and recreate a real package. After purchasing a pack of cards and doing some measurements I had a completely different setup. So I had to start from scratch all over again and all the items I had started to put in had to be changed up.
From Friday night til 1am I work on Tritone pictures for another class. Then on Saturday I finished this project and took it to the print shop. Sunday, we had a yearly mandatory meeting to be at by 6am. I worked it out to work til 2pm on Sunday and take Monday off since I normally work M- F.
However, on Sunday evening when I got home I worked on my Turkey project. This took such a great amount of time I was almost turkey'd out. Today, I was able to get everything to an almost perfect spot. With some miner changes I had to make because of time. All I have left after this blog is one comp. For some reason I'm struggling with my ideas on how to take this project to the's 16 weeks and must be perfect or the rest of the semester is going to bite.
Tuesday, after work I will go to the print shop with my turkey playing card creation. My plan was to get there before they closed tonight. Couldn't make it there before 9pm.
Wednesday, I will have class with Marsha so I must get everything finished by Tuesday night for both classes otherwise I will be in a bad way and there is no other time I can give myself.
Thursday, I will bring my finished items to class.
Catch ya on the flip side"
Jbyrd out