Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lights Out

My dark drawings

Report: Monday 9-3-12
             Tuesday 9-4-12


This assignment started off with a terrible beginning.  My titles are all over the place and nothing strikes me to be the perfect fit.  The slow start has me spinning and I feel I've got to make a decision soon.

I thought maybe if I started drawing then I would be able to find a perfect title pick.  By Sunday it was going ok nothing really special.  Then last night I had this deep thought about a terrible movie I had watched when I was a kid and how it has scarred me for life.  This must have struck something because I finally had images floating around in my head again.  Leading from one thought to another my drawings kind of came together.  

Then on Monday the heat was turned on again and I felt like I was back in business.  About 40 to 50 minutes later lighting must have hit something near the neighborhood and I found myself sitting in a very dark house looking for any kind of light.  Drawing in the dark with a candle isn't all that great but a headlamp makes it that much better.  After getting a headache I called it a night.  By the way if you can't remember what lights you have on when the power goes off....later when its midnight and you are sound asleep.....the power comes on and with it...everything you had on at the time it was cut off....fun!  

Title thoughts

When you are thinking how do you hear yourself?

Why we react mad when we are scared?

Can you see tears underwater?

Night walker...are you awake or dreaming? 

Do fearful thoughts turn true?

What is at the end of a blackhole?

Truth or Death?


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