Monday, September 10, 2012

Survival vision book cover

Book Cover


I have been working on my book cover since Friday.  Since I didn't have any of my own tidal wave pictures I had to use a little creativity in order to get exactly what I needed to pull this off.  The wave is enormous and has great color.  In order to use this shot I had to get rid of what was in the original shot.  Then I had to play with my photoshop skills and see if I could put my mind into an actual picture.  I'm no expert at photoshop.  Mostly, this work has been trial and error and more error than I intended to have.  I often wondered during the long days of my weekend why I picked a subject so technically difficult.  However, I had this vision and I was sold that this was going to work out.

The other half of my book is creepy and was really fun to make.  It went much better than I expected and that may be that I started to play and learn all in the same task.  My whirlpool portal of coming out on the other end of a tidal wave is how I hope to finish this book cover by Thursday class.  So back to the book cover I go.

1 comment:

  1. I think this bottom image is very gripping. How would this look in an up/down look?
